General Dental Care
To keep your teeth in the best condition and to identify any potential problems as early as possible. There’s more detail about what’s on offer on this page .
Restorative/Cosmetic Dental Treatments
It’s a rare and lucky person who manages to go through life without any damage to their teeth. Whether it’s through poor diet, involvement in accidents, past poor treatments, fragile enamel, gum disease or neglect, your teeth are vulnerable to damage. Thankfully, there are now many treatments that can repair the damage and restore your confidence and your smile.
Non-surgical facial aesthetics
As we age our skin begins to show the effects of constant exposure to the elements and our muscles become less elastic. Our bodies produce less of the natural substances such as collagen that keep the skin firm and hydrated. Lines and wrinkles deepen and become more visible.
To complement the excellent work you have had done on your teeth, you can have safe, non-invasive treatments to counteract the effects of ageing and be the best you can be.